Waxing is an important step in car grooming. Many car owners have limited understanding of this, either extremely emphasizing on car waxing or simply ignore this part. Some car owners judge the quality of wax by the price, so they prefer to use imported car wax. In fact, this is not really true. In the following, we will further introduce to you about the choice of car wax and the precautions for waxing. Hope it could help you with better understanding.

  1. Various types and choices of car wax

There are a wide variety of car waxes on the market, ranging from solids and liquids, to top-end and mid-range, and domestic and import options. Due to the different quality of various waxes, their effects are not the same. The improper selection not only will not protect the body, but also discolors the paint. Under normal circumstances, it should be based on the characteristics of car wax, the newness of the vehicle, paint color and driving environment and other factors. For limousines, high-grade car wax can be used; new car is best to use color coating wax to protect the car body’s luster and color. During summer it is suitable to use UV protection car wax; when the driving environment is poor, it is more suitable to use protective resin.  As for normal vehicles, use regular pearl or metallic paint series car wax. Of course, the choice of car wax must also be considered when adapting to the color of the car paint. Generally, dark car paint uses black, red and green series of car wax, and light colored car paint uses silver, white and pearl color car wax.

  1. Car waxing matters needing attention
    (a) The new car should not be waxed as the paint on upper layers of the car wax are protected, but too early to wax a new car will remove the original wax on the surface of the new car, which become a waste. Generally, new car will not have the rush to wax within five months of buying it back.(b) To master the frequency of waxing. The time interval for waxing should also be different due to the environment in which the vehicle is driving and the parking place. Generally, there are garages for parking, and vehicles that are mostly on good condition roads, then the wax shall take once every 3-4 months. For vehicles parked in the open air, it is best to apply wax every 2-3 months due to wind and rain. Of course, this is not a rigid rule. When the body is generally not smooth, it can be waxed again.
    (c) Before the waxing, it is best to use the water to clean the dirt and dust on the exterior of the body. Remember not to use detergent and soapy water blindly, as the sodium chloride ingredients contained in it will attack the paintwork, wax film and rubber parts of the car, which will make the car paint lose luster and the rubber parts will age. If there is no special car wash water, the vehicle can be washed with clean water and the car body can be wiped dry and then waxed.(d) When waxing, apply a proper amount of car wax to the sponge block and apply it on the car body in a straight line. Do not pour the wax liquid on the car or paint it in circles; Stop; general wax layer smeared after 5-10min with a new towel to polish, but fast car wax should be coated and polished.

    (e) After the car body is waxed, some car wax will remain in the gaps between the lights, license plates, doors, and luggage compartments, making the car body look unattractive. Wax scales in these areas may rust if not cleaned in time. Therefore, the wax must be completely removed after the wax is finished, so as to obtain a perfect waxing effect. In short, like people need beauty care, cars need to be waxed in order to maintain a more beautiful and beautiful car capacity.